New courses 2016
Upcoming Dutch Courses May and June
//Evening Courses//
* Tuesday, May 3rd: Intermediate II / 19h-21.30h / 8 weeks / €370 / Sign up now!
* Thursday, May 12th: Intermed I / 19h-21.30h / 8 weeks / €370 / Sign up now!
* Tuesday, May 17th: Beginners I / 19h-21.30h / 8 weeks / €370 / Sign up now!
* Monday, May 23rd:Beginners II / 19h-21.30h / 8 weeks / €370 / Sign up now!
* Monday, June 6th: Intensive Monday&Wednesday Upper-Intermediate II / 19h-21.30h / 4 weeks / €370 / Sign up now!
//My-kid-and-me Play Course//
* Thursday, May 12th / 16h-17.30h / 8 weeks / €240* / Sign up now!
*Special price, pilot course
//Bring-Your-Baby Courses//
* Tuesday, May 10th: Beginners II / 10h-11.30h / 8 weeks / €222 / Sign up now!
* Wednesday, May 18th: Beginners III / 10h-11.30h / 8 week / €222 / Sign up now!
* Monday, June 20th: Intermediate II / 10h-11.30h / 8 weeks / €222 / Sign up now!
//Evening Courses//
* Tuesday, May 3rd: Intermediate II / 19h-21.30h / 8 weeks / €370 / Sign up now!
* Thursday, May 12th: Intermed I / 19h-21.30h / 8 weeks / €370 / Sign up now!
* Tuesday, May 17th: Beginners I / 19h-21.30h / 8 weeks / €370 / Sign up now!
* Monday, May 23rd:Beginners II / 19h-21.30h / 8 weeks / €370 / Sign up now!
* Monday, June 6th: Intensive Monday&Wednesday Upper-Intermediate II / 19h-21.30h / 4 weeks / €370 / Sign up now!
//My-kid-and-me Play Course//
* Thursday, May 12th / 16h-17.30h / 8 weeks / €240* / Sign up now!
*Special price, pilot course
//Bring-Your-Baby Courses//
* Tuesday, May 10th: Beginners II / 10h-11.30h / 8 weeks / €222 / Sign up now!
* Wednesday, May 18th: Beginners III / 10h-11.30h / 8 week / €222 / Sign up now!
* Monday, June 20th: Intermediate II / 10h-11.30h / 8 weeks / €222 / Sign up now!
Beginners course I (A0 > A2-)
Effective Dutch for Busy People 1 Time: 19h - 21.30h Schedule: 8 classes of 2,5 hours each (20 hours total) Price: € 370,- Participants: 4-8 persons Homework: NO HOMEWORK! We use Rubio Dutch Instructional videos and small online comprehension tests instead to prepare for next weeks class. For vocab, we use a free smartphone app, and to actually start to use Dutch outside of the classroom, our classes focus on handing you the tools to overcome shyness, fear or feelings of embarrassment! Content: Basics of Dutch Language. Greet and meet, basic conversation, de/het, spelling, pronunciation, construction of the sentence, verbs: present and past/ regular and irregular, prepositions, numbers, alphabet/years/months/days/hours/minutes, common situations, vocabulary, etc. After this course you will know how to: - Form a sentence with the right word order / sentence structure - Accurately spell most simple words - Conjugate all verbs in present tense - Conjugate many verbs in the perfectum - Talk about topics related to your direct personal life - Pronounce and recognize the 15 vowels - Understand the difference between de/het/een - Read and understand simple children's stories For more info or a free intake meet, no strings attached, please send an email to: [email protected] or fill out the form on the right. Beginners course II (A1 > A2)
Effective Dutch for Busy People 2 Time: 19h - 21.30h Schedule: 8 classes of 2,5 hours each (20 hours total) Price: € 370,- Participants: 4-8 persons Homework: NO HOMEWORK! We use Rubio Dutch Instructional videos and small online comprehension tests instead to prepare for next weeks class. For vocab, we use a free smartphone app, and to actually start to use Dutch outside of the classroom, our classes focus on handing you the tools to overcome shyness, fear or feelings of embarrassment! Content: Basics of Dutch Language. Complex sentence structure, conversation, pronunciation, verbs: present, future and past/ regular and irregular, common situations, vocabulary, imperative, 'er', etc. After this course you will know how to: - Sentence structure coordinate and subordinate sentences - Correctly use conjunctions - Conjugate many verbs in perfectum and imperfectum - Hold social conversation on a range of different topics - Talk about the future - Pronounce and recognize the 15 vowels - Use 'er' for place and for counting - Give and receive instructions - Read and understand simple stories - Write short letters For more info or a free intake meet, no strings attached, please send an email to: [email protected] or fill out the form on the right. Intermediate course I (A2 > A2+)
Effective Dutch for Busy People 3 Time: 19h - 21.30h Schedule: 8 classes of 2,5 hours each (20 hours total) Price: € 370,- Participants: 4-8 persons Homework: NO HOMEWORK! We use Rubio Dutch Instructional videos and small online comprehension tests instead to prepare for next weeks class. For vocab, we use a free smartphone app, and to actually start to use Dutch outside of the classroom, our classes focus on handing you the tools to overcome shyness, fear or feelings of embarrassment! Content: Gerundium, perfectum, imperfectum, complex sentences, continuous tense, 'er', 'te', common situations, vocabulary, etc. After this course you will know how to: - Talk about your past and future - Talk about your childhood dreams - Talk about your job, your education - Express your opinion and explain why - Talk over the telephone - Solve a disagreement, express discontent, ask for a solution - Use all different forms of 'te' - Understand structure and logic behind Dutch language - Replenish vocabulary with synonyms for more fluent command - Gain fluency and self confidence - Manage in most common situations - Focus on achieving the skills necessary to feel comfortable when participating in Dutch society without using English For more info or a free intake meet, no strings attached, please send an email to: [email protected] or fill out the form on the right. Intermediate course II (A2+ > B1)
Effective Dutch for Busy People 4 Time: 19h - 21.30h Schedule: 8 classes of 2,5 hours each (20 hours total) Price: € 370,- Participants: 4-8 persons Homework: NO HOMEWORK! We use Rubio Dutch Instructional videos and small online comprehension tests instead to prepare for next weeks class. For vocab, we use a free smartphone app, and to actually start to use Dutch outside of the classroom, our classes focus on handing you the tools to overcome shyness, fear or feelings of embarrassment! Content: complex situations, vocabulary, modal verbs in detail, waar+preposition, zouden/zullen, reflexive verbs, plusquamperfectum, passive tense, etc. After this course you will know how to: - Talk about your house, neighbourhood - Buy or rent a new apartment, talk about square meters, distribution, decoration, etc - Talk about politics, art, environment, energy sources, Dutch weather, geography and culture - Defend your position by using a structured argument - Build complex sentences - Hold a longer conversation on a more complex topic For more info or a free intake meet, no strings attached, please send an email to: [email protected] or fill out the form on the right. Conversation Classes
Effective Dutch for Busy People (A2 > B2) Time: 19h - 21h Please register for each session: [email protected] Price: € 20,- per session Participants: 4-8 persons Each conversation class will focus on specific communication skills and a theme/subject. We will read, discuss, role play, play games! For more info or a free intake meet, no strings attached, please send an email to: [email protected] or fill out the form on the right. |
Group CoursesEvery trimester we start new group courses.
Groups are small: no more than 8 persons, all of the same level and working towards the same goals. Because of the size of the group and the way we work, there is lots of personal attention and eye for your progress. These are the group courses we offer:
My-kid-and-me Dutch Play Course
Bring Your Baby Time: 16h - 17.30h Schedule: 8 classes of 1,5 hours each (12 hours total) Price: € 270,- per couple (parent+child) Participants: 5 adult + 5 children age 4-9 Homework: NO HOMEWORK! We use Rubio Dutch Instructional videos to prepare for next weeks class. For vocab, we use a free smartphone app. The My-Kid-And-Me Play Course is focused on playfully practising Dutch together with your child. The course is aimed to parents with already a basic understanding of Dutch, enough to manage simple games and role play. Children on the other hand, should not be too fluent yet: the idea is to learn together. Children from international schools who would like to boost their Dutch, or children just starting a Dutch primary school would be the ideal students for this course. There will be basic grammar explanation for the parents through short online instruction videos as a way of preparing for each class. In class, we'll explain simple rules whenever it turns out useful: for example to explain why you say something a certain way and not the other. Of course classroom explanation will be adjusted to level and age. Mostly though, we'll learn by doing. Word games, board games, role play, imagination... A little like a playgroup for parents and kids. They idea is to have fun together and as a side effect, learn Dutch! For every friend you bring along, you receive a discount on the course fee. If you are not sure whether your Dutch is advanced enough for this course, let me know and I'll send you a short level test. For more info, please send an email to: [email protected] or fill out the form above. Bring Your Baby Conversation Course I (A0 > A1)
Bring Your Baby Time: 10h - 11.30h Schedule: 8 classes of 1,5 hours each (12 hours total) Price: € 222,- Participants: 4-6 persons Homework: NO HOMEWORK! We use Rubio Dutch Instructional videos and small online comprehension tests instead to prepare for next weeks class. For vocab, we use a free smartphone app, and to actually start to use Dutch outside of the classroom, our classes focus on handing you the tools to overcome shyness, fear or feelings of embarrassment! Content: Basics of Dutch Language, grammar focused on conversation. At home, you prepare for class by watching 2 or 3 instruction video (5 min each). In class we will practise what you have preparedat home by playing games, role play, conversation exercises, guided speech and pronunciation exercises etc. There will be enough room for your little one to play, and you can of course breastfeed, walk around, change diaper, prepare food, and feel free to parent while you learn. For more info or a free intake meet, no strings attached, please send an email to: [email protected] or fill out the form on the right. Bring Your Baby Conversation Course II (A2 > B1-)
Bring Your Baby Time: 10h - 11.30h Schedule: 8 classes of 1,5 hours each (12 hours total) Price: € 222,- Participants: 4-6 persons Homework: NO HOMEWORK! We use Rubio Dutch Instructional videos and small online comprehension tests instead to prepare for next weeks class. For vocab, we use a free smartphone app, and to actually start to use Dutch outside of the classroom, our classes focus on handing you the tools to overcome shyness, fear or feelings of embarrassment! Content: Basics of Dutch Language, grammar focused on conversation. At home, you prepare for class by watching 2 or 3 instruction video (5 min each). In class we will practise what you have preparedat home by playing games, role play, conversation exercises, guided speech and pronunciation exercises etc. There will be enough room for your little one to play, and you can of course breastfeed, walk around, change diaper, prepare food, and feel free to parent while you learn. For more info or a free intake meet, no strings attached, please send an email to: [email protected] or fill out the form on the right. Bring Your Baby Conversation Course III (A1+ > A2)
Bring Your Baby Time: 10h - 11.30h Schedule: 8 classes of 1,5 hours each (12 hours total) Price: € 222,- Participants: 4-6 persons Homework: NO HOMEWORK! We use Rubio Dutch Instructional videos and small online comprehension tests instead to prepare for next weeks class. For vocab, we use a free smartphone app, and to actually start to use Dutch outside of the classroom, our classes focus on handing you the tools to overcome shyness, fear or feelings of embarrassment! Content: Basics of Dutch Language, grammar focused on conversation. At home, you prepare for class by watching 2 or 3 instruction video (5 min each). In class we will practise what you have preparedat home by playing games, role play, conversation exercises, guided speech and pronunciation exercises etc. There will be enough room for your little one to play, and you can of course breastfeed, walk around, change diaper, prepare food, and feel free to parent while you learn. For more info or a free intake meet, no strings attached, please send an email to: [email protected] or fill out the form on the right. Your-Kid-In-A-Dutch-School Basic Course (A0 > A1+)
Time: 10.30h - 13h Schedule: 8 classes of 2,5 hours each (20 hours total) Price: € 370,- Participants: 4-8 persons Homework: NO HOMEWORK! For more info or a free intake meet, no strings attached, please send an email to: [email protected] or fill out the form on the right. |
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